It is the set of rules that permit the downloading and uploading the files on the computer over the internet. 7 rows Following are some basic differences between both TELNET and FTP. Difference Between Ftp And Telnet Difference Between Key Differences Between Telnet and FTP Telnet enables a client user to access the resources of a server remotely whereas FTP is used for copying a file from one to another machine. . It is encrypted and can be used for many tasks including transferring files back and forth remote shell access of a system and even a quick-and-dirty VPN among. It is not secure. It stands for File Transfer Protocol. TELNET stands for TELecommunication NETwork. Telnet allows the user to pass environment variables as parameters while Rlogin does not. FTP can be used with a command line a dedicated application and even with most web browsers while Telnet is restricted to the command line. Converse...